VES is now certified as a zero waste to landfill company, which is a great achievement in managing waste streams.
In March 2018, VES partnered with SWM and we undertook an assessment of their waste management system. Since then, VES & SWM have been working together to ensure they process their waste effectively and efficiently.
From a roller packing machine to compactors, numerous skips and balers, they are now well equipped to deliver an environmentally friendly offering as part of the VES service.
Commercially and environmentally VES are ahead of what they projected, however they still have a lot of work to do. This is great news which they hope to improve on and sustain.
Fabian Gillgower, VES Procurement Manager, reported that since initiating the project, there have been numerous benefits to the Eastleigh sites. SWM have improved VES’ knowledge of the waste market, provided industry information and have helped achieve better environmental compliance. Fabian added “Working in partnership with SWM has ensured that principles of waste hierarchy are being applied, prevention, minimisation, re-use, recycling, energy recovery, disposal and ‘zero waste’ to landfill. We are delighted with the results so far”.