Following the Government’s announcement on the 5th January 2021 that the UK would go into national lockdown until mid-February 2021, please see the statement below which we will review on an ongoing basis. Further announcements will be made as and when appropriate.
Keeping our colleagues, suppliers and customers safe remains our number one priority and we will continue to support our customers where it is safe to do so.
As a metal recycling and waste management business our activities are classified as essential services, therefore, our key workers will continue to operate and will continue to follow Government guidelines until we are advised of any alternative arrangements:
All our sites are open from 0800 to 1700 Hrs Monday to Friday – some will open on a Saturday from 0800 – 1200 Hrs but if you wish to come to site on a Saturday please call ahead to confirm we are open.
Our employees who can work from home are being encouraged to do so. This includes some of our Customer Services Team/Sales Team.
Our Customer Service/Sales Team can be contracted on 0333 123 7000 (option 1) or email
Our employees who need to work on site, in transport roles, and our maintenance crew have been provided with health and safety training and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) . Strict social distancing measures are in place at all of our sites.
All unnecessary travel is being minimised.
Anyone visiting site will be asked to follow our strict site safety protocols and will be required to use their own PPE. We are unable to provide PPE at the current time because of safety and hygiene concerns.
Our skip services are still running, however they may be limited at certain times. Please email with any queries you may have.
Please be advised that although we are doing everything we can to keep services and sites running safely and effectively, it is subject to change at short notice. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause and we will do all that we can to keep our customer’s informed and updated regarding our arrangements.
We continue to monitor our safety, consult with our workforce, follow Government guidance and seek advice from our Trade Associations. It is our firm intention to remain operational and with the onset of a mass vaccination programme in the UK we all hope that the end of this pandemic is in sight. For now though we are here to support you and your business and do all that we can to help you through the lockdown and beyond.
Thank you for your continued and ongoing support during these challenging times.
Martin Mogford
Managing Director